Regular events in Auroville that you can join.
Are you new to Auroville? Have you been in Auroville for a while, and are looking for things to do? Or are you Aurovillian with some free time on your hands?
We have compiled a list of regular activities which take place in Auroville ; something to try in the new year. See also our special list with weekly events.
Awareness Through the Body (ATB): class with Stefania on Saturday at 9 to
10:30am at JOY GH Hall. Based on the Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo
and the Mother, Awareness Through the Body is a comprehensive|
curriculum of exercises that offer practical tools for personal growth,
introspection and self-knowledge, giving participants the opportunity to
discover and explore more. For More info: [email protected]
Bead Play Shop: Dear guests, Rio is offering bead play shop for children
between 8 -13 of age from Monday to Saturday. The timings are 10 to 12
noon and 2.30 to 4.30. The children can play with beads and create their
own patterns and / or follow set patterns. For more details, contact
(Auroville Unit) Rio – 9047240618 or [email protected].
Beautiful Sounds: individual or group Tibetan Bowl sessions for deep
relaxation and being in the present moment, which can include
meditation, mantra chanting, kototama, harmonic, overtone, if you
wish. Individual sessions with Tuning Forks for chakra cleaning. Qi gong
for facial rejuvenation, and for the back (spine, shoulders, neck). French
and English speaking. For more info: please call Satyayuga, tel:
7639761930, email: [email protected].
Blessed Souls: Every Tuesdays from 5-6.30 pm at Creativity. We invite
all of you to open your heart to the Divine. We learn and sing all together
Bajhans and Kirtans. Musicians are welcome with their instruments.
Hamsini 9487544184.
Board Game Evening: FRIDAYS from 6pm onwards at Le Zéphyr in
Visitors Centre. We have many games but feel free to bring along yours.
Capoeira (Group Ginga Saroba): Classes open to all levels, led by Prof.
Samuka da Índia and his students.
● ADULT CLASSES >> Monday: 5.15 PM – SAWCHU (Bharat Nivas) |
Tuesday & Thursday: 6.00 PM – Deepanam School | Saturday: 4.30 PM -
Dehashakti Gymnasium. Free trial class every first Thursday of the
● KID CLASSES >> Monday & Friday: 1.15 PM - Deepanam School -
Contact us prior bringing a new kid,
● OPEN RODA (Capoeira Circle) >> First Friday of each month 5.30PM -
Visitor Center - Open to all!!!
Contact: [email protected] | | 9488328435
Carnatic music - singing lessons and veena: For adults and children 8
years and older. Bruno (Utility). Telephone 2623308 / mail
[email protected].
Focused Dance Improvisation: with Tahir at the African Pavilion on
Saturdays from 4:30pm until 6pm. We will explore dance improvisation
with a different focus every time. All are welcome.
Creative Writing: with Francesca every Monday from 4.30 to 6pm. The
Creative writing experience is back! Never stop to be creative whatever
happens in your life! For info: 0413-2623987 or write to
[email protected]. Please call me or write to me before
if this is your first time. All you need to bring with you is a pen, a
notebook and the fun of expressing yourself. Let’s just show up on the
page and let that “something” move through us! Donations required for
guests; reduced for volunteers. If you want to know more about
Francesca and the Creative Writing sessions she is giving in AV, please
check her videos on her new YOUTUBE's channel "My creative Satsang".
Dance Contact; improv jam with Kartick at New Creation dance studio.
Thursdays from 6 to 8pm.
Dance for Teens: with Madda at New at New Creation Studio.
Wednesdays from 4-5.30pm
Flamenco: by Lola at CRIPA. Every WEDNESDAY - INTERMEDIATE: 2.30
to 3.30pm – BEGINNER: 3.30 to 4.30pm. WELCOME!!
Hip-hop dance; classes by Vijay at Kuilapalayam Creative Centre:
On Saturday: between 5 and 6 pm / On Sunday: Between 3 and 5 pm
for more information: 9843195290 (Selveraj of KCC) / 9786167917
(Sundar.K, Aspiration).
Hula Hoop; with Christabel: at New Creation dance studio Wednesdays
from 6.30-7.30pm.
Aspiration Sports ground. Contact numbers: 9042009200 / 9585153355
- Kalari Class for Beginners:
Morning classes 6.30 – 7.30 Monday, Wednesday, Friday
Evening classes 5.00 – 6.00 Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday
- Kalari Classes for advanced people:
Morning classes 6.30 – 7.30 Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday
Music Theory Classes: every Tuesday, 5.30pm, by Kateryna. At CRIPA.
Music theory classes for all ages for music lovers and music students. Ear
training, music notation writing, sight reading singing, composing etc.
Take with you a music writing book and pencils. [email protected].
Skyworks: Tree Climbing Workshops: RECREATIONAL. You want the
experience without learning all the knots? The ropes are already
positioned in the trees. The knots are tied and tested before you hook
on. After being fitted with your saddle and some short instructions on
safety and climbing techniques, you are off and climbing! Kids of all ages
welcome. ADVANCED You want to learn the ropes and get off the ground.
During class we teach both the double and single ropes techniques plus
demonstrate many of the new climbing devices available. You will learn
to install the ropes in the trees, tie and use several climbing knots and
ascend and descend both with the knots but also with ascenders and
descenders. For conditions & appointments call Satyaaji 8300752545
Tango - Beginners Dance Class: Argentine Tango Dancing class for
beginners is offered at Windarra Farm, Terrasoul Community, every
MONDAY 7pm. No partner is necessary. Please bring socks or dance
shoes. More info: [email protected].
Tango - “Practica”: practice space held for all tango dance levels on
Wednesday 7:30-9pm at SAWCHU hall, at the entrance of Bharat Nivas.
Ultimate Frisbee: Monday, Wednesday and Saturday at the Gaia
Sports Field 4.30 pm to sundown (turn left before Gaia community
gate). Helps improve stamina, hand/eye coordination, and focus through
running, throwing, & catching the disc; along with patience & teamwork
and Spirit of the Game. Bring running shoes if you have them. Contact
[email protected] with any questions or just come ready to
play! And see!
Ultimate Frisbee women's team training: Sunday 4-6 pm.