The Pongal Festival

Time to burn things, put color everywhere and eat sugar cane!

Pongal is a harvest festival that lasts for 4 days. Rangolis start popping up, cows decorated with colors and bells walk the Auroville dirt roads and everyone (even me) is eating sugar cane.

The only downside is the smoke coming from the bonfires that burn all the useless household items that accumulated over the year.


But let’s return to one of the sweeter sides… Sugarcane! It’s always in abundance because, well, it’s harvesting season!

I like to peel the cane before chewing through it, but a lot of people just use their mouths. I admire their ferocity and the efficiency with which they tear the woody pieces off with their teeth! Whenever I try to do it I look like a clown. In a very similar way, I will never be capable of eating with just my hands - I would be lost without cutlery!

What’s even more exciting than the sugarcane is the cow race! There’s always one in a village right next to Auroville during pongal.


I’ve only seen it once because it terrifies me. I don’t understand how any of the men participating dare run along the cattle, let alone how bystanders dare being so close to all of the commotion!

If you would like to buy a tiny, adorable bull plushy, just click the picture below! I promise that it won't trample over you!

Something I have also seen on Pongal was the exchange of jewelry. It doesn't have to happen, but if you need to participate or just want spoil someone, here is a jewelry set and a pair of earrings!

Jewelry Set Bull  Earings

What do you love about pongal? Do you celebrate it? Let us know with a comment below.