How to change your gut balance for good

Having too many bad bacteria hanging out in the gut has been linked to numerous problems like depression, asthma, eczema and more. Many scientists have begun to refer to the gut as our second brain, displaying that an imbalance microbe can have huge effects on our overall health and life. To understand the importance of your gut health you need to know that there are 500 species and three pounds of bacteria in your gut.
Altogether your gut is involved in digesting food, produce vitamins, regulate hormones, excrete toxins and much more. Therefore having an optimal gut balance is essential but also not so easy to maintain. The bacteria in our digestive track are diverse and their population is connected to so many factors.
A perfect balance begins with our diet. Furthermore our thoughts and feelings are very much connected to our digestive track, stress for example can have a huge impact on our gut imbalance.

The most effective way to improve your gut health is to make changes in our diet. We have some tips.

Eat whole, unprocessed, unrefined foods.
One of the best ways to maintain a healthy gut flora involves cutting down the sugar and refined carbs and instead eating more gut-supporting fiber. Ideally 75% of your plate should be vegetable or plant based food.

Eat good fats.
Good fats like Omega 3 or extra-virgin oil help to decrease inflammation, giving healthy gut bacteria a chance to flourish.

Supplement smartly.
Many studies have found Omega 3 fatty acids can support a healthy gut flora. In case you are not regularly eating organic fatty fish you should reach for a high quality formula from a store. Furthermore look into using a good probiotic supplement; it will help to reduce gut inflammation while cultivating the growth of health bacteria.

Add fiber rich foods.
Nuts and seeds are a good add on to your every day diet, since it is the perfect food for your healthy gut bacteria.

Add fermented foods.
Sauerkraut, tempeh and kimchi contain good amounts of natural probiotics in a natural way which supports multiplying of healthy gut bacteria.

What to do when you suffer from indigestion from time to time?
You don’t need to pop a pill immediately instead

  • Chew a handful of aniseeds, cardamom pods or fennel seeds
  • Infuse a few springs of fresh peppermint in a cup of water for a few moments and drink it
  • Against stomach ache add a few slices of fresh root ginger to a mug and pour over some hot water to help relieve it.

These recommendations are not miracle cures. They are actions that can support the creation of a balanced gut functioning and flora.