Gemstone guide


Being a perfect expression of the yin feminine energy and the soothing energy of the moon, the moonstone is the bringer of calm, peace and balance. The energy of the moonstone is very nourishing, sensual, deeply feminine and brings wholesomeness. With its shimmers of pearl, gold and blue colors the moonstone is always enveloped in a gleaming white energy, making it a good protective stone.


Rose quartz

Rose quartz is one of the most popular crystals in healing, jewelry and feng shui. It is known for the attracting and keeping of love. Rose quartz is a quartz crystal that owes its pink hue to the presence of several minerals including manganese and titanium. Some say that this presence of manganese calms and heals the heart.  

Rose quartz



Amethyst is known for its beautiful colors from light pink to deep purple, indigo and violet. The energy of the amethyst works to purify a space of negative vibrations and emanate higher energy. Furthermore it calms and cools expressive emotions and eases the transition to a more meditative state by clearing the unnecessary mind clutter. On a physical level amethyst is said to strengthen the immune system and to help to heal an imbalance of the body.  



What is your favorite gemstone? 

Note: Crystals are not a substitute for medical attention.