Everyday Superfoods For A Small Budget

In recent years, a large number of the Earth’s population has been using dietary supplements (the protein type) in order to increase the nutritional value of their meals. However, although some people may require these supplements, not everyone needs them. They can be very easily substituted with fruits,vegetables and other foods with a high nutritional value - superfoods. The word ‘superfoods’ is a marketing term, and has an elastic definition, (because superfoods do not constitute their own food group) but it is most popularly defined as “a nutritionally dense food which is good for one’s health”.

Dietary supplements have come a long way with modern medicine, as the usage of various herbs and even animal glands as medicine dates back to the origins of civilised man. Many of these superfoods are available on our website in various forms, including tablets, which one can buy to add great nutritional value to their diets, if buying these foods and naturally incorporating them in your diet is difficult.

There are many types of superfoods. They can be plant-based foods such as fruits and vegetables, or even fish and dairy products. Superfoods are usually rich in compounds such as antioxidants, fiber and fatty acids which are highly beneficial to one’s health (by regulating vitality, blood pressure, cholesterol etc.). Numerous inexpensive superfoods are available in India which can be easily found in any grocery store or market. Here is a short list of the possible inexpensive superfoods one can find almost everywhere:

  1. Turmeric: This is a spice and herb used universally across India in thousands of dishes. Turmeric regulates cardiovascular activity, helps in detoxification and even inhibits certain cancer types. It is most often used in powdered form, and can be consumed directly with milk (turmeric ‘latte’ in other parts of the world) for the best benefits.

  2. Gooseberry: More popularly referred to as ‘amla’, the indian gooseberry provides the consumer with nourishment of the respiratory system, promotes healthy hair, skin, nails, regulates blood sugar, improves eyesight, and offers pain relief. These fruits have unmatched antioxidant properties and are full of essential vitamins. Drinking amla juice once a day is a great way to stay healthy.

  3. Curd: Curd is a dairy product found everywhere. It contains large amounts of calcium and if consumed regularly this Indian superfood can boost immunity, improve cardiovascular health as well as digestion, and strengthen bones and muscles. It can be eaten plain, or as an addition to any meal.

  4. Lotus Seeds: Known in India as ‘makhanas’, lotus seeds are often eaten as a snack (puffed up like cotton balls) and are low in fat, high in protein, iron, magnesium, possession, zinc, have anti-aging properties and soothe insomnia.

  5. Jackfruits: These are a rich source of carbohydrate, vitamins, protein, fiber, electrolytes, and phytonutrients and simple sugar (which provide instant energy). Jackfruits help with weight loss, diabetes and digestion.  Jackfruits are best eaten raw, but the seeds found in them can be saved, and later boiled to be consumed.

  6. Coconut: Coconut is eaten in many ways, and is highly nutritious. However, it’s water is the most beneficial, as it is fat-free, has high ascorbic acid, proteins and vitamin B. It is advised to consume coconut water before a workout for effective weight loss. It is also an excellent cooler and a detoxification agent, as well as great for hair growth.

What superfood are you including in your every day diet to stay healthy and balanced? We are curious to know. Let us know in the comment section below.