Balance cycle
One of the latest trends is balance cycles, which are smaller cycles for children from the age of 2. They have two wheels, a handlebar and a seat, but no pedals or training wheels.
Balance cycles do not only mean physical activity connected to lots of fun but also education of children starting at a very young age. One of the biggest advantages of introducing a balance cycle at home is that your kids, starting from the age of 2, learn to balance on their own without the need of explanation, coaching and the connected stress. This will make them feel more independent, will boost their self-confidence and of course they will become very fond of cycling. With the use of a balance cycle small children will get introduced to basic traffic rules, using caution and developing situational awareness very early.
Furthermore, balance cycles make it much easier for small children to ride for longer periods of time than with the classic training wheels. Family walks and bike trips can be longer lasting while having fun.
Instead of bugging your children to get outside and play, they will be bugging you to take them for a ride. Kids love the independence that is developed with a balance cycle, being like a grown up riding a cycle in the park.
Security and balance cycles:
Young children will feel very secure on a balance cycle due to the fact that both feet are on the ground. It is therefore important to adjust the height of the seat so when the kid sits on the cycle both feet can be firmly placed on the ground (not only their toes!), with the knees slightly bent. This way the child is able to push properly, slow down and stabilize himself.
Wearing a child-size helmet is in our opinion a must. The sooner the child gets used to it the better. You can go shopping for it together and your little one can choose the color; it will feel like a present!
Another important guideline is to make sure that proper shoes are worn while using a balance cycle, so that the kid is comfortable running and stopping on the bike. The toes should be covered and the ankles held.
When is the right moment to transition from a balance cycle to a regular bike with pedals?
The transition usually happens at age 4 or 5 when kids are stronger and taller. Pedal bikes are two to three times heavier than balance bikes and children need more power to ride them as smoothly as balance bikes.
What about pedaling you might ask. Pedaling is not the foundation of riding a bike it is simply the means of propulsion a way to make the bike move. The key element is always the balance, leaning and steering.
A little one, who handles his balance cycle easily, can happily skip training wheels on a bicycle.
We hope this gives you an insight on balance cycles and their benefits. Of course we recommend that if you decide to purchase a balance cycle for a little one, you consider getting the handcrafted worktree cycle. It is made out of solid wood, therefore very sturdy and the colorful wheels make it a unique piece on every playground.
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